Talk Like a Pirate Day!

This animated offering was brought to you by Zachary Parker of the incredible comic
Flatwood. Flatwood is dark, it's
creepy, and it's animated. Darken the room, play some scary music, and... go there.
He's also got another comic called Cro.
Go there too!

Now, Roman Wunderlich is a funny, funny guy. If you don't believe me,
go check out The B Movie Comic.
(And honestly, why wouldn't you believe me?) This is another animated goodie!

This hilarious comic is brought to you by Pavel of
Future Pig!
Check out his comic. You must. It rocks.

Birthday greetings brought to you by Robert Cook of
The Mansion of E! (And this is
one five-year-old I wouldn't trust with a spanner.)

This hilarious comic is brought to you by Isuki Ini of
Michiko Monagatari and
Whenever Zeera has a fan art party, Isuki always arrives with plenty of goodies!


This comic comes from our very own Christina!
Be nice to Christina. Be very nice.

a big thank you to all the contributors!