What you've always wanted! Zeera in a bikini, diving into a birthday cake!

Talk Like a Pirate Day, with piratey language!

This wonderfully piratey Zeera (inspired by the Talk Like a Pirate Day comic above)
is brought to you by Isuki Ini of
Michiko Monagatari and
Isuki couldn't stop there, so here's Zeera the Space Cop!
(I love the motion-blur effect on the armour.)

Tom Truszkowski of Station V3 always cracks me up! Long live the magic mushrooms!

When Zeera has a birthday, the awesome Robert Cook of Mansion of E
always brings gifts! Check out his comic!

This fabulous wallpaper was brought to you by Guardsman of
You can find large (1440x900) and small (1024x768) versions
in his Deviant Art account. Go there! Enjoy!

Two special contributions have been given their own pages (also accessible from the Guest page):
Dan York's "Altered Zeera", and
Monika's "Hitchhiking Zeera".
Click! Enjoy!
a big thank you to all the contributors!